Customization & Language Support

The customization and language support feature is available with all of our packages. You have the ability to customize text for any language of your choice! We have many languages out of the box such as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, Polish, Chinese, and more! You will be able to customize the text in virtually any language, and if you don’t find your language out of the box, we can easily add it. admin panel to select language and customize text
Language menu

Take a look below to see the chat form as it is today versus an example of a customized version. Don’t forget to check out the ability to customize the colors and themes of your live chat button/widget as well. If you still have questions, catch us online or email us at and we’ll get back to you right away.

From left to right: Chat button and online form in English; Chat button and online form in Spanish2-online-chat-widgets

From left to right: offline form in English; offline form in Spanish


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